Rose's Room
This is where I come to slip off my shoes, sip a cup of tea, read a little, write a little and visit with my friends. If you've joined me before, welcome back! I hope you find something new that you will enjoy. If you're a new visitor, welcome! Please take a few moments to look around and let me know what you think.
How it All Started
Born in inner city New York, I moved at an early age to Florida, landing in Angel City, a small tight-knit community in Merritt Island.
Although I had not yet started school I enjoyed telling my new friends about the rides and funhouses of Coney Island, and what I couldn't remember I made up. So began my lifetime love of storytelling.
A childhood of having one foot in the big city and one running free in pre-air-conditioned Florida also affords me a unique perspective I use in my short stories such as Ties That Bind, and an upcoming autobiography.
I still make our home very close to the neighborhood where we were raised and would raise our five children. Shaving time from my day job and busy weekends to write isn't easy, but my love of story telling keeps me at the computer till the wee hours.
Rewarding myself with a "Grammy fix" -- grabbing a hug or a walk on the beach with one or more of my 19 grandchildren – keeps me in stories ... and in smiles.

Featured Work
I draw upon my experiences as a mother and a grandmother as inspiration for all my writing, but especially for my column "Rose's Room" which ran weekly in Florida Today newspaper for three years. In a newspaper readers survey Rose's Room was voted as one of two most popular columns in the entire newspaper. Rose's Room then became "Rose's Corner" and ran for a year in Seniors Today magazine.
Previously appearing monthly in Home Town News-Forever Young magazine Rose's Room is now appearing monthly in the Port Saint John Happenings newspaper.
My short article on how to handle adult children and their families moving back home appeared in Grandparents magazine. Woman's World magazine ran two of my 'Ordinary people overcoming adversity' stories as feature articles -the first ran three pages with pictures and the second a two page spread with pictures.
My short stories have appeared in such venues as Literary Liftoff – the official magazine of the Space Coast Writers Guild, and in various monthly magazines: Senior Life, The Best Of Times, Camping Today, Coastal Angler, Quiltworks, GRANDS!, RV Life, and Pet Gazette to name a few.
My yet-to-be published children's book ran as a monthly chapter feature in the Pet Gazette magazine and as a weekly cliffhanger in the Deland Beacon newspaper. I hope soon to change "Sparky's Adventures" status from "yet-to-be published" to "recently published."
"Open Letter to New Grandparents" was my contribution to the book The Art Of Grandparenting (Nightengale Publications). "Prayer of Gratitude" was my contribution to the book Gratitude'compiled by the Space Coast Writers Guild and published as a fund raiser, available on Amazon and Kindle. How To Make The Holidays Stress Free…Almost! is my first self published book and also available on Amazon and Kindle.

Share A Smile: Patchwork of Our Lives
October 2016
This is a great place to showcase a sample of your written work or write a short description about your project. Did you collaborate on a print or multimedia project? If so, dazzle your visitors with images and video. Make sure to include a link to the full live project or document so readers can enjoy the entire piece.
Other Works
Space Coast Writers Guild Anthologies
My Husband's Perseverance
Holidays through the Ages
Boca Raton News
Rose's Room
The Best Of Times
Various Articles
Camping Today
Camping with Toddlers, July 2007
Coastal Angler
Dolphin Mugging, June 2006
Brevard County's MOMS Magazine
Remembering Mother's Day Past, May 2008
Florida Agriculture
An Encounter with the Blue Baron, April/May 2015
Romancing the Quilt, Issue #81, September 2002
RV Life
Camping with Toddlers, July 2015
Writer's Digest
Conversation, February 2004
Escapees Magazine
Camping with Toddlers